|General info
Dear travelers,
today some visits will take place by car, others on foot.
The project visits by car are made by a larger group, composed of different cars.
The timing for the car visits:
- cars 2, 6, 8 and 15: appointment at 9:00 at the private residence 'sky Island', 1000 N Capote (all cars departure at 8:45 from hotel Saint George, Paul has the lead in car 6)
- cars 1, 10, 11, 12, 14: appointment at 10:00 at the private residence 'sky Island', 1000 N Capote (all cars departure at 9:45 from hotel Saint George, Dirk has the lead in car 1)
- cars 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13: appointment at 15:15 at the private residence 'sky Island', 1000 N Capote (all cars departure at 15:00 from hotel Saint George, Dominique has the lead in car 13... euh 16)
after that visit these same three groups head to Prada in Valentine. Again Paul - car 6, Dirk - car 1 or Dominique - car 13 (euh 16) will take the lead at that time.
These visits take place in small groups of maximum 9 persons. We have taken the liberty of composing te groups ourselves, because the puzzle was quite complex.
Please consult the group list (also on display during breakfast) to know to which group your are appointed to. Each group has a color and has a leader, printed in bold on the list. This 'bold' person has a map showing where to take you and at what time. These persons are either Paul, Dirk or me, either an appointed sponsor.
departure times from the hotel:
- 8:45 for groups 1 (blue - Philip), 5 (orange - Gregory), 6 (yellow - Paul) and 7 (green - PIerre)
- 9:00 for group 3 (black - Jiri)
- 9:15 for group 2 (white - Jonas)
- 9:30 for group 4 (grey - Dominique)
- 9:45 for groups 8 (red - Dirk), 9 (purple - Xavier) and 10 (cyan - Arjan)
In the buildings owned by the Judd Foundation (the Block, the art studio, Whyte/Cobb building and architecture studio) a professional guide will be there bringing you to and through all these spaces. They ask:
- NOT to take pictures
- not to touch the art
- to stay close to the guide (because at the bloch different groups will tour at different times.